MAJDANEK WALTZ is a martial rock band formed in December 2001 when we released our first two-song single. At first it was just a studio project, and only in 2004 we played the first concert. It’s fun to be a musician: having released the album you reap the harvest of praising reviews, and during the tours you have a right to drink violently with friends and girls fans.

Since 2001 MAJDANEK WALTZ released 10 albums (not to mention singles, EPs and compilations). The album of 2003 “Winter tale” we consider the best. It’s impossible to listen to/download/get it anywhere. It’s a secret album! But this very album represents MAJDANEK WALTZ the best way.

As for the aesthetics of MAJDANEK WALTZ we can put it like this: ancient Greeks divided the existence into chaos and cosmos (harmony, order of the world, symmetry). The human, the way the Greeks saw him, was a microcosm, the universe was macrocosm, and the relations between them were the ones of resemblance. Thus, from the Greek philosophy there arises a thesis of ontological origin of beauty, beauty as a property of being. But we are interested in the beauty of non-being. The esthetics of non-existence!

And the main goal of our music is to help listener to distract himself from different problems and responsibilities that others try to fuck him up with. To concentrate on what you need and do what you will. To catch a certain mood, when the so called reality stops dominating upon you, and really important things take the first place: hangover chill, gloomy summer day, the thunderstorm over the lake.

Our artistic influences:

music: Aluk Todolo, Current 93, Death in June, Earth, Lifelover, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Of the Wand and the Moon, Peste Noire etc.

literature: Anna Akhmatova, Leonid Andreyev, Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, Yevgeny Golovin, Gustav Meyrink, Hans Erich Nossack, Miguel Serrano etc.

art: Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Albrecht Dürer, Theodor Severin Kittelsen, Kazimir Malevich, John William Waterhouse etc.

Love & kisses, MW.

P.S. Buy our t-shirts!!!

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